Home Business A Guide on Radio Shuttle Racks

A Guide on Radio Shuttle Racks

by Oswaldo

A radio shuttle rack is a high-density collection for Automated Storage and Recovery systems (AS/RS). It also has the advantage of both LIFO and FIFO stockpile storage. When compared to conventional pallet racking, a radio shuttle rack offers to hold up to 100% extra boxes in the same amount of area.

How does it work?

The crates are housed on pallet racking that has also been particularly constructed with guide rails and tracks to support the Radio Shuttle Car.

Once the car gets to the intended pallet, a base is risen to stabilize and lift the crate a few feet. The courier vehicle then delivers the pallet towards the front of the storage rack, where it may be readily removed.

Rechargeable batteries courier cars can help cut carbon in your factory. The storage system in this example includes batteries, a charger, and a remote navigation system.

Security Features

The Radio Shuttle Car is equipped with a variety of sensors that detect pallets and obstructions. When scanners identify a barrier in the way, the shuttle should come to a standstill and send an alert to notify people of the problem.

The vehicle also has resistance detectors. When placing pallets nearby, the automobile detects when two pallets are in contact and releases the pallet smoothly.

The Advantages of a Radio Shuttle Rack

For its equivalent efficiency, the radio shuttle racking system is commonly likened to a drive-in/drive-thru stacking device. The radio shuttle, on the other hand, has substantial benefits over traditional racking methods.


The forklift driver must drive down a really small and thin racking lane, hoist the crate, and then back out of the slender stacking aisle to collect pallets located in the center of a drive-in support structure.

How many of you have seen what occurs when a cart pusher gets it wrong and collides with a pallet rack? Well, here is the answer: The entire warehouse might collapse, injuring or killing everyone.

The danger is enhanced further since the most probable spot for a user to make a mistake is deeper within the storage rack. If an accident takes place, the worker is considerably more vulnerable since they will be trapped deep under a fallen rack system.

  • Using such a radio shuttle mounting system reduces risks significantly.
  • To fetch a pallet, forklift workers shouldn’t need to navigate through tight alleys.
  • Forklifts remain in standard aisles where employees would be most accustomed and at ease.
  • The employee will not be deep within the racking system in the case of a stacking mishap.


Cranes just need to arrive at the appropriate berth. The pallet is then retrieved by the wireless shuttle vehicle. Second, it moves the pallets closer to the front of the shelf. The crane loads the cargo. Because it doesn’t have to drive down a long rack aisle, the lift saves time and gasoline.


Although the forklift removes a single pallet at a time (to be loaded into a truck), the courier vehicle may go grab the next pallet and transport it to the border of the support structure. This enables employing the Radio Shuttle System to empty a bay of pallets faster.

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