Home Industry How Does A Flow Conditioner Work?

How Does A Flow Conditioner Work?

by Oswaldo

A flow conditioner is a device useful for any industry that uses fluids within pipes. These fluids flow at a certain speed, and as usual, industrialists measure the amount and rate of the flow. Depending on the pipework of the industry, it may be impossible to measure accurately without a flow conditioner, but it is not common. Below, we explain everything you need to know about a flow conditioner.

What is flow conditioning?

Flow conditioning is a process used for the accurate measurement of your flow meter. This process uses a flow conditioner to make a new velocity profile that you can repeat during the measuring process. As a result, the flow conditioning will help you get more accurate results when you measure with a flow meter.

Flow conditioning is not a process that is necessary every single time. But it is very necessary when you are working with compressible fluids. An example of these compressible fluids is gas, and you can only measure the liquid using devices that have differential pressure. These devices have their flow paths restricted, and as such, there is a need for a flow conditioner in the system.

What is the need for flow conditioning?

If you have an industry with pipes in a straight line with no angles or curves, a flow conditioner is unnecessary. However, when there are curves, the process is a bit different. The curves will mean the flow will change its direction. During this directional change, not all the liquid can go in that straight line. Depending on the thickness, the size of the fluid will reduce, affecting the flow profile. This can also happen when there is a sudden difference in the flow path of the fluid. When this event happens, it will affect the flow profile, and in turn, the measurement process for the flow will change. Flow conditioning will ensure that regardless of the curves or disturbances, there is a bit of accuracy with your flow measurement.

What is a flow conditioner?

In layman’s terms, a flow conditioner is a device that brings about the flow conditioning process. The flow conditioner has parallel pipes, also known as vanes. These pipes have a single function of restoring a balanced flow profile for any fluid movement that has passed through certain disturbances. Using a straight pipe in an industry is a design that is nearly impossible and costly. Installing a flow conditioner with certain curves is cheaper, which is why experts advise it. Therefore, it is safe to say that a flow conditioner can also save your money.


Measuring flow accurately can be a daunting task or, better still, almost impossible without a flow conditioner. You may not need this conditioner in a flow that works only in a straight line. If the lines are not straight, there is a need to have a flow conditioner in the system if you want to get an accurate measurement of the flow. Flow conditioning is a term and idea that requires a bit of expertise and professionalism to be talked about. However, with the information in this article, you should understand what flow conditioning is all about and why you need it. Even if you will likely hire an expert for its installation, knowledge is a necessity.

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